The Love of God Made A
Way To Satisfy His Justice!
by Dick Wood, B. Theology
God created man and placed him in a perfect environment giving him one
prohibition, knowing full well what man would do. By this I mean, man disobeyed
the only prohibition God gave him, " don't eat from this tree." This
disobedience the Bible calls "sin". God knew before hand they would disobey and
that this disobedience would result in their becoming estranged from God. As I
said, God knew beforehand man would do this. We also know beforehand some of the
things our children will do, for we being a parent have lived long enough to
learn by our own experiences something of human nature, and being a fallen
creature also we have our own track record to look at. Now please allow me to
explain what has happened to man and how God already had pre determined to
intervene in the affairs of man for the benefit of man and the glory of God's
name. This God is Absolute Truth, Holiness, Righteousness and Justice, equally.
He is also Merciful and Loving, but his Justice must be satisfied in order for
him to lavish his Mercy and Love on guilty man. God's Holiness demands
Perfection in all things. God cannot simply over look the sin of man because his
Justice must be satisfied. This rules man out in being able to approach God
himself, for man though created in innocence and without sin, disobeyed the only
prohibition God gave him when he placed him in a perfect setting, thus becoming
a sinner, and from that moment man become a total rebel. Now, see the Love and
Determination of God to make a way for man to be justified before this
Righteous, Holy, and Just God. This is the greatest Truth of God, found anywhere
in the Scriptures, John 3:16 "For God so loved the world". God determined
beforehand that he would take full responsibility for the punishment of the
rebellion of man against him. Man had sinned, man must pay the price. So, God
sent Jesus his Eternal Son into the world in the form of man, the perfect man
without sin and incapable of sin. This man was God in the flesh, Immanuel. Jesus
was given to the world through the Virgin Birth, so he had none of the fallen
nature of man in him. God became personally involved with his creation,
specifically man who is created in the very image of God. God the Son became a
man and suffered at the hands of wicked sinners; suffering not only the railings
of humanity against himself and his Father, but a beating which left him
unrecognizable to those who knew him and then dying a grotesque death, the most
cruel death by torture man has ever devised, death by crucifixion. Because God
is Love, God determined to do this for man; suffer in the place of man and die
in the stead of man, though God is innocent of any wrong doing what so ever.
Jesus, hanging on the cross suffered and endured the full wrath of God against
sin, and in this God totally consumed his anger and wrath against the rebellion
and sin of man, thus removing the obstacle between God's Love and sinful man.
Now, there is nothing standing between this Love which motivated God to take the
only course of action which could open up the way for man to approach God with
no condemnation and fear. This is called reconciliation. Now, having provided
the way for man to come to know him and escape the damnation of the hell his sin
deserves, God calls to all of humanity, Come! Free Pardon Right Here (at the
foot of the cross}, Right Now (in the person of Jesus). Now friend, follow me
with this reasoning, assuming what I have said is Truth; the greatest and surest
proof of the total depravity of man is the fact that he despises and with choler
rejects the only hope of escape which a kind and loving God so freely offers
him. Man wants to believe himself good enough to win Gods mercy and grace, at
least hoping that when the good he has done is tallied and the bad he has done
is tallied the good will be on the plus side. But God, in his perfect
understanding and righteousness, declares in the Psalms that there is none that
is good, no not one. God has set the standard, and that standard is as high
above the ability of man as the heavens are above the earth. If man could be
what God is, then man would be God and in no need of a Savior. There are
fearsome consequences in the rejection of and spitting on the suffering of Jesus
the Messiah and the sacrifice of His Blood for sinners. So, it is not that God
is hateful and vengeful, but that God is merciful and loving in that God himself
in the Person of Jesus the Messiah has suffered the penalty of his own judgment
against sin and sinful man; and that he has done this freely and lovingly.
Jesus, the Just One, standing in the stead of the guilty one, enduring the shame
of the cross and the full wrath of God's Just Anger in his own body. This is why
there is no other name given under heaven where by we must be saved! Jesus said
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except he come
by ME! Suppose one were to say, I want to believe, but do not find it in my self
to do so, I am filled with doubt that I can believe such wonderful words of
consolation from a kind and loving God. I tell you that God is sufficient, all
he demands of the sinner he provides. He demands faith of us, his voice by way
of his Word, convinces our heart and then by his power he gives all he demands.
He has provided a perfect salvation by way of his perfect Son. If you believe
the things I have written concerning God and His Salvation which is His Son
Jesus Christ, it is because the Holy Spirit is revealing his truth to your
heart. If you will simply accept the testimony of God concerning your sinful
condition and the fact that God offers Jesus as the only Lord and Savior, you
will be born again. Simply believe what God has gone on record as the truth
about you, confess you are a sinner and that you cannot save yourself and
believe that God has offered Jesus on the cross in your place. God is Truth and
cannot lie. The Gospel is the best news any person could ever hope to hear and
it is offered to you. There is no other way to be saved, there is no other hope
of salvation but Jesus. Jesus has promised in John 6:37: "All that the Father
has entrusted to me will come to me, and him who comes to me I will never cast
out" and in verse 40 it promises: "Yes, this is the will of him who sent me,
that all those who see the Son, and believes on him may have eternal life". How
about it friend, will you believe the Gospel, the Good News and be saved. If so,
do it now and thank God that he has given you eternal life in His Son Jesus. Ask
God to make his promise real to your heart. Do you suppose that God has sent his
Son to bleed and die but will not save one such as you? Nonsense! He will do it,
because he cannot lie! Mark 10: 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. You may said: I
am afraid I cannot believe? Nonsense! God has spoken and based on his character
and promise, you have no excuse at all not to believe immediately. You may say:
I am afraid I cannot believe strong enough. I say, it is not the strength of
your faith, but rather the strength of Jesus on whom you are to believe. Jesus
said: All power in heaven and earth is given unto me, and all of his power is
behind his salvation. Stop doubting, stop disobeying right now and believe this
wonderful news God has sent you, that in Jesus Christ his Son all of your sin is
put away and a new life is given you in his Divine Son.
The only way to
reach God is through Jesus Christ
Believe with all your heart and soul and have faith that he died on the Cross
and rose from the dead on the third day
Say the Sinners Prayer below and Find Peace and Joy In Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and the worst of them all.
Lord I see your face and I hear your whispering call.
I know you died for all my sins alone.
You hung upon an old rugged cross for my sins to atone.
Lord Your blood ran down into the sand.
Oh, God help me to be a Godly man.
I turn from the world and its evil game.
Please come into my heart and forever be the same.
I can't make it alone and I can't walk without Your help.
I know by Your word my soul will forever be safely kept.
I give my heart and soul to you now and ask you to write my name in your book.
Upon Your face I'm ashamed to look.
Take my hand and walk with me.
Don't ever let me be so proud that I forget all about Calvary.
I love you heart, soul, spirit, and even my mind.
Come into my life and together we will dine.
I am yours forever and I promise to try
To live for you daily because now I know the reason why
You gave your life only for me.
Thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that I can now see.
Into Your hands I commit my spirit!
With You in heaven one day I'll sit!
Thank you Jesus!
Written by Sybil Shearin
All Rights Reserved
Saved by The Son