Rose Petals
If You Could See
Inside My Heart.
If you could see
inside my heart
What a wonder you would see.
It's not very pretty inside there
But it keeps perfect time by the Master for free.
If you could see inside my heart
You could feel the love I have in that small little place.
All I want to do right now
Is to give you a tiny little taste.
If you could see inside my heart
You would see the hurt and pain
I put it all in the back so it can't come out.
I colored it all black over and over again.
If you could see inside my heart.
You would find one part is not very full.
I colored it blue because I feel lonely sometimes
Of course it could quickly change to a sapphinre-like jewel.
If you could see inside my heart
You would find one part abundantly full of love.
God placed it there with His own hands
It surely came from His home above.
So when you come to me
Be gentle and tenderly touch my heart to help it mend.
For God in His great wisdom said, "Greater love hath no man
But that he lay down his life for a friend!"
Written by Sybil Shearin
(c) 12-2002
God's Promise
I who abides forever shall arise!
I, The Lord God Almighty creator of all sea, heaven and land.
I will raise you up and make you shine like the sun.
I will hold you in the palm of My hand.
You my child will fear no famine.
The fowler will never catch you in his snare
For I will hide you under my wings
And I will be your shield and hide you there.
I will raise you up on eagles' wings.
You need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by the day.
I have you in the palm of my hand so tight.
A thousand may fall on your left
Ten thousand may fall on your right side.
But none shall come near thee.
For I will with you abide.
For I will raise you up on eagles' wings.
I give my angel's a command to guard you
in all ways, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
For they that wait upon Me, I shall their strength renew.
They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
They shall run and not be weary ever for I will them sustain.
They shall walk and not faint.
For I, The Lord God Almighty shall for eternity reign!
Written by Sybil Shearin
Given by the Lord Jesus
Flowers That
Never Fade
She was not famous like Shakespeare, Kipling, Longfellow and others
But she was the greatest person in my life and I just called her Mother.
She could make biscuits exactly round without one single crack.
And she worn a print dress she stitched from a few flour sacks.
She would scrub our clothes in an old wringer washing machine.
She sat by bed when I had a high fever or just had a bad dream.
Her hands were old but as soft as could be.
Oh what a heavenly Mother she was to me.
She rocked me in as old squeaky wooden rocking chair.
She washed and brushed all the tangles from my long golden hair.
She cut the cloth and made my pajamas every stitch with love.
My precious Mother never owned one single pair of white ladies gloves.
Her face grew aged and her skin wrinkled by the sun.
But her voice still sounds like it did when I was very young.
Her fingers grew crooked and I know she felt pain.
But she was always smiling and seldom complained.
She never owned a diamond ring or wore a golden chain.
She helped me bury my first little dog and we both cried in the rain.
She washed my shoe strings and kept them all white.
She taught me to pray to Jesus in my bed at night.
My Mother was closer than any other person on this earth.
She is more precious than diamonds and gems of great worth.
I can still see her white hair and hear her singing in that ole rocking chair.
One day because of Mother we shall meet Jesus in the air.
I complained to Mother because I had no new shoes.
She reminded me of the child who had no feet and said, you choose?
If you have a Mother and she can still see and hear.
Give her a kiss and tell her you love her every day of the year.
For one day Jesus might call her away.
Spend time with your Mother while it is still day!
Written by Sybil Shearin
Jesus Holds This Copyright!
It grew alone forsaken in a vast field of weeds.
Honey bees busily collected pollen and went about their daily deeds.
Tall broom straw blew its fragrance in the warm summer's breeze.
It's aroma traveled through the fields and all through the trees.
Yet no one could see its beauty for it was surrounded by briars and thorns.
Each year that passed another new green stem was born
Which grew more and more little buds so perfect and rare.
God watered it with rain and the sunshine nourished it there.
Alone it grew year after year with no one to enjoy its beautiful roses.
There was no one to cut them and display their eloquent poses.
Until one day some children where playing in the field where it grew.
For their parents had purchased it because of it's wonderful view.
The builders came to build the house and clear away the brush.
The little girl heard them talking and she could not be hushed.
"Mama! A beautiful rose on this property now grows", she pleaded earnestly.
With anxious hands she pulled her mother across the field to see.
When they came to the spot where the rose bush grew.
There was only one single rose displaying is pink lustrous hew.
One single rose was just enough to save God's masterpiece that day
And only One single Rose from heaven was sent
to redeem the soul of man in a similar sort of way.
Jesus, God's Son wore a crown of thorns upon His precious head.
His royal blood ran like a crimson rose as He hung on Calvary dead.
The heavens shook and the earth trembled
as God brought His Son back to life just as prophecy said.
The One Sweet Rose of Sharon still blooms for YOU today
and still blooms in crimson red.
© Sybil Shearin (3-28-2003)
You were not there on Calvary's Hill that day.
You were not the one who was mocked, innocent and betrayed.
It wasn't you who wore a crown of thorns;
And it wasn't for you all Heaven's angels mourned.
You were not the Rose created just to die.
You were not that Rose whom Peter thrice denied.
You didn't see the blood running down upon the hot burning sand.
You didn't see the nails hammered into innocent hands.
This One Perfect Rose hung naked for the world to see.
His velvet petals whipped and scarred just beyond death's decree.
You didn't hear Him say, "It Is Finished" on that day.
"Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit!"
Then in defeat demons screamed in a ghoulish display.
Jesus Christ The ONE Perfect Rose gave His life for your sins demands.
His precious velvet petals fell freely scorched upon the hot burning sands.
His lifeless body placed in a borrowed tomb by precious hands.
All of this He did for YOU, and now that you know it, what will YOU do?
The tomb is empty for He arose and took the keys to death and hell.
Oh Hallelujah! This day Jesus himself rung forever, Life's Liberty Bell.
How can you refuse so great a Salvation from this one perfect man?
His Rose Petals Burned Upon The Hot Burning Sands!!!!
© Sybil Shearin (3-2003)
Walking on Diamonds
It was a
sunny Sunday morning and the church bells were ringing.
Outside the small wooden church the voices could be heard sweetly singing.
A little girl stood crying for she was told there was no room.
The pastor noticed her unkempt appearance and immediately his role assumed.
He noticed her tangled hair and her dress dirty so torn
But he saw a little angel not a child whose clothes were graciously worn.
Taking her tiny little hand he found her a place for her in Sunday School.
Her happiness was shown by the smile on her face as big as a her father's
tractor tool.
It was two years later her lifeless body lay in the hospital bed.
It was this kindhearted pastor who was called to pray over what doctor's
called a child brain dead.
She was laid to rest in the church cemetery and not too far from her Sunday
School door.
Who would have thought this little girl would not be in church anymore.
As her parents were sorting through her things they found 57 cents and a note
she had written upon.
She had saved for two years to help the little church add more rooms on.
For years she had saved this offering of love
And little did they know her 57 cents was blessed from above.
The pastor told her story of unselfish love and devotion.
He challenged his deacons to get busy and get things in motion.
The newspapers learned of the story and printed it on their front page.
Checks came in from near and far from people of every age.
If you happen to be visiting in Philadelphia please visit the Temple Baptist
Church too.
Visit the Good Samaritan Hospital and all the Sunday school rooms so new.
In one of the rooms you will see the face of a little girl whose 57 cents
made world history.
Along side her is the picture of the kind pastor Dr. Russel H. Conwell the
author of "Acres of Diamond" another of God's mysteries.
This is a true story and it goes to show what God can do with 57 cents.
He just calls this another lesson to the Church in His earthly current events.
Written by Sybil Shearin
True Story
Petals of Poetry
I sit watching the leaves fall outside my window.
Time is steadily passing by and I am helpless to stop it.
The waves still rush to the shore, the tide in constant flow.
Still I wonder if you ever think of me as I near the window sit.
Petals fall to the earth in colors of yellow and gold.
The breeze carries them as I watch them float.
It reminds me of the times underneath that tree you I would hold.
Long ago it was my heart your love smote.
Where are you now, I need to know?
Do you ever think of me and the love we shared?
If I were an angel I would fly and to you I would go.
Angels tread where lovers once dared.
Oh the petals of love and the grip they hold on me.
I see you in every rose as I walk by.
I see you in the petal on the blossoms in the apple tree.
Oh, how I love you and I still wonder why?
You took my precious petals of love.
Petals that only fall once in a lifetime.
Soft are the feathers and snow white as the dove.
With words I pen precious petals in rhyme.
Walk with me just once more
Kiss away the cold.
Promise me forever you'll never leave my door.
Petals of poetry are forever ours to hold.
Written by Sybil Shearin
© 2002
I sit here alone listening to country music slow.
My heart beats to the music and I move with the flow.
My mind goes back to your sweet kisses soft
and making love in the old barn loft.
I can still smell your cologne as it lingers near.
Our bodies entwined with sensual love so dear.
I remember the car you loved so much,
and all the parking spots where I felt your tender touch.
Do you think of all those times now and then?
Remember falling asleep and getting home
after the milkman had been?
I remember wearing your sweater green,
and how much tape I put on your highschool ring.
I wonder after all these years if you ever go back in time.
Memories like these shine like gold in one single lifetime.
The sun was brighter in everyway.
The moon was bigger because you were mine that day.
The stars twinkled and the nights were magic dust.
Two people so in love all we had was perfect trust.
Castles built on the hot desert sands.
Still kept deeply because of two golden wedding bands.
My soul still holds you close.
My heart still holds the perfect red rose!
A rose that is faded and worn,
But the only rose created without a single thorn!
Written by Sybil Shearin (C)2002
In Memory of My Dad
Dad I cannot remember when you were not there.
You sheltered me from danger and whispered a nightly prayer.
Your arms were always open when I needed a simple hug.
I see you in the clouds and in your favorite coffee mug.
I remember your sweet smile and the sparkle in your eyes.
I know you have left me and you're somewhere in the skies.
But Dad you told me stories from the Bible long ago.
You said Jesus takes all the prettiest roses from the gardens here below.
I really don't understand it all but I know your heart was pure.
I believe God has only taken you on His great heavenly tour.
The vessel I saw for so many years finally surrendered to time
But now you have a new one that is perfectly sublime.
Jesus will you tell my Dad that I love him and I miss him already
And Lord when it's time for me to come, I promise I'll be ready.
Please fill this empty spot with all the love you can.
It hurts to lose my Daddy but I know it's all in Your Master Plan.
Forgive me for being selfish because my Dad loved You too.
You gave him life and a mission he was willing to do.
He fought the fight of faith right up to the end.
So Lord please hurry and let my heartache start to mend.
Written by Sybil Shearin
(c) 1-2003
All rights Reserved
Waiting for the Son!
Christ In You,
The Hope of Glory
There are many who call themselves Christ or Lord of all.
Are we wise enough to see if this Christ is Jesus born in a manger stall?
The Bible tells us even the very elect will be deceived by a story.
Are you seeking Jesus Christ, the hope of glory?
I see people giving Him away for merits and golden rings.
They have degrees, metals and in rituals do they loudly sing.
They are proud of their works and want to be seen by many.
They live in luxury in houses of plenty.
Deception is rampant and the elect are being deceived as I write.
I fear the hand of God their lives suddenly with fury smite.
The Bible is the Word of God, the Riches of The Glory.
Jesus is still the King of Kings if we tell the accurate story.
War is quietly creeping into the world, its plans are being laid.
The Temple of Solomon will be the home of the antichrist's masquerade.
He will come to people as the light of the world.
God will wait in heaven as this evil is unfurled.
If you have need of anything, ask for wisdom to discern.
Ask for understanding so the Bible's truths you can learn.
Don't follow blindly any religion who denies Jesus Christ as Lord.
He came in the flesh and is our golden saving cord.
The foolish seek position, wealth and little do they know.
The have sold their souls to Lucifer and to hell they will surely go.
Ask God to reveal to you the riches of His Glory.
Ask Him to reveal the mysteries in His word and unravel all the stories.
Jesus came to us as a man because we need a savior to pay for our sin.
Don't reject the very one who died for you and let satan your soul win.
Watch, look and listen for His coming is very soon.
He may come tomorrow, morning, night or noon!
Written by Sybil Shearin
(c) 7-2003
All Rights Reserved
Saved by the Son