He came as a baby given to all mankind.
His mission was sealed souls by the million He would find.
He grew up in the hot sandy desert sun.
He knew His mission had just begun.
The voice of God spoke constantly in love to Him.
The world had no knowledge of this precious Gem.
Pure love was He and the Bible speaks it true.
He raised Jairus daughter and Lazarus too.
Death could not hold this Rose beneath the sod
For He was three in one the Son of the Living God.
Three days in the tomb away from this mortal world
But He arose bringing all the souls satan had hurled
In chains but in victory Jesus took back the keys to hell.
The Rose of Sharon defeated satan and today He still rings
Salvation's Liberty Bell.
He paved the way for you and for me.
Oh if only your earthly eyes could see
What He suffered and endured as your sacrifice.
This majestic man paid with His blood your sin debts price.
He arose in splendor through the clouds in that distant land
But He promised us all He would come back again.
This time when He comes in the clouds every eye will see,
This time when He leaves, He won't leave without me.
The Rose still blooms with fragrance so sweet.
Spring is the reminder of his precious nail-scarred hands and feet.
When you stop to smell the fragrance of the beautiful rose
Remember the longer you know Him the sweeter He grows.
Written by Sybil Shearin